Meet Peyton Verhoeven
Peyton believes that kindness has the power to change the world… one small act at a time. It is this belief that has led her to create Project Be Kind, a non-profit organization with a mission to inspire others to embrace kindness and make it a mindset.
Throughout the year, the organization engages the community to participate in challenges and use the project’s platform to spotlight acts of kindness.
From a young age, Peyton has been an active supporter of social causes including the Terry Fox Foundation, the Grassy Narrows water project and other charities. During the pandemic, she launched a club designed to help grade nine students meet new friends and form stronger connections, virtually.
The 17-year-old is currently spreading birthday magic to children living in homeless shelters in Toronto.
As one of Canada’s first Gen Z thought leaders, she believes her generation has the ability to be powerful changemakers especially when fuelled by kindness.
🏆 Community Hero Award Recipient🏆

Honoured to announce that Peyton, founder of Project Be Kind was chosen as a Community Hero Award Recipient by MPP Dr. Jill Andrew. Recognizing her for helping make lives in Toronto-St. Pauls better during COVID-19 through her various charitable initiatives and volunteer work.
Thank YOU MPP Jill Andrew, we greatly appreciate your ongoing support and care for the community!
Project Be Kind on SiriusXM Mornings with Dahlia Kurtz 🎙
Thank you to Dahlia Kurtz for having me on her show for a second time to discuss how Project Be Kind is celebrating birthdays for children living in shelters.
Listen to hear about what it's like at a Project Be Kind birthday celebration and what we need from you to help keep this party going!